Friday, May 8, 2009

1 Samuel 10:6 "Then the Spirit of the Lord will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another
This passage is when Saul is being anointed king over Israel and it just jumped off the page for me this morning. I have been talking with a sweet girl who heard my testimony and is struggling. Actually, at the end of her e-mail she signed it "struggling well." I loved that. Oh yes, we are going to struggle in this life but let's struggle well. Let's do what Job did and cry out to our God with our questions and doubts and fears. But like Job, don't stop there. Don't stop with the questions for God. Stop, and let God ask you some questions of His own. What do those questions reveal? The questions that God asked Job revealed his mighty power. They showed Job that He was in control! He had it all handled. We also know through Jeremiah 29:11 that God's plans for us are for our good and not evil, plans for a hope and a future. We must know this - that God is mighty and in control (sovereign) but that He is good and His plans for us are good! We must know both! If you don't believe that today, choose to believe that and pray daily for God to show you that He is both Mighty and Good!

How do we be that person that God wants us to be? I think I found the key here in 1 Samuel 10, "the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him and turned him into another man." (my shortened version) We can't be anything other than our fleshly nature until we let the Spirit have full control of our lives. Since Jesus came, we were given the gift of the Holy Spirit for those who know and believe in Him. We have that Spirit. Let's use it today to turn us into another woman, one who walks worthy of the calling we are here for!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Just beautiful!

I know when I struggled with God like Job over the disappointment of infertility, for years I had to tell myself, "God is good... even when it doesn't FEEL like it!" As I kept struggling through, eventually I learned that He is 100% trustworthy with my heart and that little addendum fell off. Now He is good. Period.

You have such a gift of insight. I enjoy so much reading your blog!
