Monday, June 8, 2009

Jackson's First Baseball Game

Me: Jackson, did you have fun playing your baseball game? 

Jackson: No, I didn't play for fun!

Me: You didn't play for fun? Why did you play?

Jackson: I played for Jesus, I don't need to play for fun!

Oh yes! We had a conversation after that. I wanted him to realize that playing for Jesus was fun. When we play for an audience of One, we don't have to worry about much - just what He thinks. How simple our lives would be if we played for Jesus? Forget what man thinks, what society says, just what Jesus says. 

Let's live today like we are playing for Jesus, it will change our whole day!


Josh and Lisa said...

What a funny kid! Too cute. Girl...I'm sure you can imgine what it was like at my house last night. First, Brad and Josh argue about who has gained more weight and lost more hair. Then of course they hit the scale to prove it. Then it was a late night game of horse on the silly plastic basketball hoop in the spare room. I think they had to rig it with tape twice!! After hours of yelling, laughing, and banging the walls, I finally was able to fall asleep. They are like to big kids when they get together. They are having a blast though and I guess that's what counts.

Sue said...

I love the lessons we can learn through the innocent views of children. What a sweetie Jackson is... playing for Jesus ;-)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome answer. Isn't it great when what you teach them comes out of their mouths?

Melanie said...

I love your son's comment about "playing for Jesus." I'll remember it.
