Saturday, December 13, 2008

2am Ewing House
Jackson runs in our room screaming:

Brad: "Jackson, what is wrong?"
Jackson: "I had a bad dream!"
Brad: "Ok, get in bed with us for a bit."
Jackson (who has settled a bit): "Dad, will you pray that I won't have any bad dreams?"
Brad: "Yes" (as he falls back asleep)
Jackson: "Dad, pray out loud right now!"
Brad: "Ok, Jackson." He prays aloud.

God asks us to come to Him like little children. I learned a little bit last night what that is like. Childlike faith is when we believe that if we ask right now Jesus is going to answer us. It is also knowing when we need others to help pray for us! Maturity comes when we know we need help and we ask.

Sometimes we need to pray out loud! There are some situations that we just need to get down on our knees and literally voice OUT LOUD that we need Him! We need Him NOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kasey...I have had a busy week and was just trying to "get tired" so stopped by. This post rang SO true to me. My son as well will bound in with those late night scary dreams (we are more careful what he watches on TV of late!) and won't even go to sleep on a regular basis anymore unless we "pray out loud" for the angels to come protect him from the bad dreams in the night. It is so precious to see their faith in action and to be reminded of how Daddy longs for our WORDS. I have found that when I take the time to talk out loud long enough, He talks back to my heart! Sometimes in that downpour...Jesus, never let us be too grown up to talk out loud! Blessings on you sister!
