She actually liked the gun. I think she enjoyed it more than she thought she would. I think we are like this toward God. We think that if we actually give our whole hearts to Him, it will end up hurting us. Instead, it ends up protecting us from the damage we do to ourselves.
How many of us can look back at our lives and wish we had done what God had told us too. Most of the regrets in my life are things that God specifically told me not to do.
God calls us to forsake things but they are always for our good. Hurts come but God can turn them into situations where He gets the glory. The times I listened, obeyed, or allowed Him to heal the hurt are the times that He has gained the most glory from my life.
The times I was scared of Him or disobedient, that is when I got into big messes. I now know that what He has for me is best. I might not like it all the time, it might scare the daylights out of me. But when I take the plunge or learn to shoot the gun, I enjoy His protection and assurance on my life.
We think that if we actually five our whole hearts to Him, it will end up hurting us. Instead, it ends up protecting us from the damage we do to ourselves.
That's a good thought...and so very true!!! Great post!
So true!! This pic cracks me up.
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