Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My First Official Devotion

Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Our “3 AM Wake Up Call” came a few weeks ago. Our youngest son, Jackson, came screaming into our room, pausing only to throw up all over the carpet, and continue to scream at the top of his lungs. Every mom knows what that feels like to get startled in the middle of the night with a crises. I jumped out of the bed trying to help him get to the toilet. I held his little body as he cried, screamed, and poured out everything in his body until there was nothing left inside of him. He had a fever, he was miserable, and was just plain “beside himself.” We have a small couch in our room and I carried him trying desperately to settle him. He cried out, "I just want someone to sing to me." I sort of thought he was maybe just a bit delusional since I don't sing. I replied, "that is dad's area. I just clean throw up." Brad got up and got his guitar and began to sing a song he wrote entitled "Don't Cry." I sat there on my bed and watched as his daddy sang him to sleep. I have to tell you that watching his daddy quiet his tears and settle him to sleep was an incredible experience.  Then I sae the picture of God’s love in this scene.. When we are hurt, crying, and distraught, God sings over us like a loving father to his desperate child What a picture. He loves us so. 

I Samuel 1:10 "In Bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord." 
This is the first of a series of devotions that study Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel. When I think of Brad quieting Jackson with song, I think of our Father and how He quieted Hannah. Helistened and comforted her as she poured out her heart before Him.  I can now picture Hannah, who was as 1 Samuel 1 verse 10 describes “greatly distressed, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly.”  Haven’t we all been there? – greatly distressed, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly. I can so relate to Hannah and I hope you can to. 

The theme of Hannah’s story is that God alone is the answer to any barrenness in our lives. It proves that we can trust Him to do exceedingly more than we could ask or think, (Ephesians 3:20) that His plans are for a hope and a future, (Jeremiah 29:11) and that God works all things for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).  Hannah was one of these women. Hannah lived as a barren woman at a time when the nation of Israel was experiencing a spiritual barrenness.  Her solution was Israel’s solution:  brokenness before the Lord. 

Many times as pastor’s wives we feel that there is no one around that we can trust with our deepest thoughts. . . Many times our hearts grapple with needs that cannot be shared because we have been someone else’s trusted friend. . . Often we are lonely and just need a friend in which to share. God is waiting to hear from us, He longs to quiet us with His love, to rejoice over us with singing. 

What is it today that you need to pour out to him? What do you need Him to quiet you over? 

1 comment:

pondering said...

Ok, I LOVE this devotional!
It's so sweet. How comforting to be reminded of the Lord's love for us, and how deeply and personally acquainted He is with us in a way no one else can be!
I'm not a pastors wife, but your devotional fits me as well and it ministered to me. You are going to be great for this calling.
